/* Common Source Code Project SVI-3x8 Origin : src/vm/msx/memory.h modified by tanam Date : 2018.12.09- [ memory ] */ #ifndef _MEMORY_EX_H_ #define _MEMORY_EX_H_ #include "../vm.h" #include "../../emu.h" #include "../device.h" #define SIG_MEMORY_SEL 0 #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) class DISK; #endif #define MAX_TAPE_LEN 524288 // memory bus class MEMORY_EX : public DEVICE { private: uint8_t* wbank[8]; uint8_t* rbank[8]; uint8_t wdmy[0x2000]; uint8_t rdmy[0x2000]; uint8_t bio[0x8000]; /* BANK01 */ uint8_t ram[0x8000]; /* BANK02 */ uint8_t rom[0x8000]; /* BANK11 */ uint8_t r12[0x8000]; /* BANK12 */ uint8_t r21[0x8000]; /* BANK21 */ uint8_t r22[0x8000]; /* BANK22 */ uint8_t r31[0x8000]; /* BANK31 */ uint8_t r32[0x8000]; /* BANK32 */ bool inserted; bool play; uint8_t strig; #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) DISK* disk[MAX_DRIVE]; DEVICE *d_fdpat; bool access[MAX_DRIVE]; #endif int count; int done; int tapePos; int tapeLen; byte tapedata[MAX_TAPE_LEN]; public: MEMORY_EX(VM_TEMPLATE* parent_vm, EMU* parent_emu) : DEVICE(parent_vm, parent_emu) { set_device_name(_T("Memory Bus")); } ~MEMORY_EX() {} // common functions void initialize(); void reset(); void write_data8(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data); uint32_t read_data8(uint32_t addr); uint32_t fetch_op(uint32_t addr, int* wait); bool process_state(FILEIO* state_fio, bool loading); void write_signal(int id, uint32_t data, uint32_t mask); uint32_t read_io8(uint32_t addr); void write_io8(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data); // unique functions void open_cart(const _TCHAR *file_path); void close_cart(); bool load_cart(const _TCHAR *file_path/*, uint8_t *rom*/); bool is_cart_inserted() { return inserted; } bool play_tape(const _TCHAR* file_path); // bool rec_tape(const _TCHAR* file_path); void close_tape(); #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) void release(); void set_context_fdd_patch(DEVICE *device) { d_fdpat = device; } void open_disk(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path, int bank); void close_disk(int drv); bool is_disk_inserted(int drv); void is_disk_protected(int drv, bool value); bool is_disk_protected(int drv); #endif bool is_tape_inserted() { return play; } const _TCHAR* get_message() { if (play) return "Play"; else return "Stop"; } }; #endif
/* Common Source Code Project SVI-3x8 Origin : src/vm/msx/memory_ex.cpp modified by tanam Date : 2018.12.09- [ memory ] */ #include "memory_ex.h" #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) #include "../disk.h" #define MSX_SECTOR_SIZE 512 char dskPath[64]=""; /* Disk image path */ /** Floppy drive *********/ unsigned char fdc_drive = 0; unsigned char fdc_head = 0; unsigned char fdc_density = 0; unsigned char fdc_status = 0; unsigned char svi_disk_heads[2]; unsigned char svi_disk_tracks=40; unsigned char svi_UseDisk = 0; #ifndef UINT16 #define UINT16 unsigned short int #endif #ifndef UINT8 #define UINT8 unsigned char #endif #define MAX_DRIVES 2 /* we support 'only' four drives in MESS */ #define WD179X_IRQ_CLR 0 #define WD179X_IRQ_SET 1 #define WD179X_DRQ_CLR 2 #define WD179X_DRQ_SET 3 #define DEN_FM_LO 0 /* this is used by TRS-80 (but not working) */ #define DEN_FM_HI 1 #define DEN_MFM_LO 2 /* and this one is the one that works */ #define DEN_MFM_HI 3 /* There were no HD disks back then ;) */ #define REAL_FDD ((void*)-1) #define FDC_STEP_RATE 0x03 /* Type I additional flags */ #define FDC_STEP_VERIFY 0x04 /* verify track number */ #define FDC_STEP_HDLOAD 0x08 /* load head */ #define FDC_STEP_UPDATE 0x10 /* update track register */ #define FDC_RESTORE 0x00 /* Type I commands */ #define FDC_SEEK 0x10 #define FDC_STEP 0x20 #define FDC_STEP_IN 0x40 #define FDC_STEP_OUT 0x60 #define FDC_MASK_TYPE_I (FDC_STEP_HDLOAD|FDC_STEP_VERIFY|FDC_STEP_RATE) /* Type I commands status */ #define STA_1_BUSY 0x01 /* controller is busy */ #define STA_1_IPL 0x02 /* index pulse */ #define STA_1_TRACK0 0x04 /* track 0 detected */ #define STA_1_CRC_ERR 0x08 /* CRC error */ #define STA_1_SEEK_ERR 0x10 /* seek error */ #define STA_1_HD_LOADED 0x20 /* head loaded */ #define STA_1_WRITE_PRO 0x40 /* floppy is write protected */ #define STA_1_NOT_READY 0x80 /* controller not ready */ /* Type II and III additional flags */ #define FDC_DELETED_AM 0x01 /* read/write deleted address mark */ #define FDC_SIDE_CMP_T 0x02 /* side compare track data */ #define FDC_15MS_DELAY 0x04 /* delay 15ms before command */ #define FDC_SIDE_CMP_S 0x08 /* side compare sector data */ #define FDC_MULTI_REC 0x10 /* only for type II commands */ /* Type II commands */ #define FDC_READ_SEC 0x80 /* read sector */ #define FDC_WRITE_SEC 0xA0 /* write sector */ #define FDC_MASK_TYPE_II (FDC_MULTI_REC|FDC_SIDE_CMP_S|FDC_15MS_DELAY|FDC_SIDE_CMP_T|FDC_DELETED_AM) /* Type II commands status */ #define STA_2_BUSY 0x01 #define STA_2_DRQ 0x02 #define STA_2_LOST_DAT 0x04 #define STA_2_CRC_ERR 0x08 #define STA_2_REC_N_FND 0x10 #define STA_2_REC_TYPE 0x20 #define STA_2_WRITE_PRO 0x40 #define STA_2_NOT_READY 0x80 #define FDC_MASK_TYPE_III (FDC_SIDE_CMP_S|FDC_15MS_DELAY|FDC_SIDE_CMP_T|FDC_DELETED_AM) /* Type III commands */ #define FDC_READ_DAM 0xc0 /* read data address mark */ #define FDC_READ_TRK 0xe0 /* read track */ #define FDC_WRITE_TRK 0xf0 /* write track (format) */ /* Type IV additional flags */ #define FDC_IM0 0x01 /* interrupt mode 0 */ #define FDC_IM1 0x02 /* interrupt mode 1 */ #define FDC_IM2 0x04 /* interrupt mode 2 */ #define FDC_IM3 0x08 /* interrupt mode 3 */ #define FDC_MASK_TYPE_IV (FDC_IM3|FDC_IM2|FDC_IM1|FDC_IM0) /* Type IV commands */ #define FDC_FORCE_INT 0xd0 /* force interrupt */ typedef struct { UINT8 track; UINT8 sector; UINT8 status; } SECMAP; typedef struct { void (* callback)(int event); /* callback for IRQ status */ UINT8 unit; /* unit number if image_file == REAL_FDD */ UINT8 tracks; /* maximum # of tracks */ UINT8 heads; /* maximum # of heads */ UINT8 density; /* FM/MFM, single / double density */ UINT16 offset; /* track 0 offset */ UINT8 first_sector_id; /* id of first sector */ UINT8 sec_per_track; /* sectors per track */ UINT16 sector_length; /* sector length (byte) */ UINT8 head; /* current head # */ UINT8 track; /* current track # */ UINT8 track_reg; /* value of track register */ UINT8 direction; /* last step direction */ UINT8 sector; /* current sector # */ UINT8 sector_dam; /* current sector # to fake read DAM command */ UINT8 data; /* value of data register */ UINT8 command; /* last command written */ UINT8 read_cmd; /* last read command issued */ UINT8 write_cmd; /* last write command issued */ UINT8 status; /* status register */ UINT8 status_drq; /* status register data request bit */ UINT8 status_ipl; /* status register toggle index pulse bit */ UINT8 busy_count; /* how long to keep busy bit set */ UINT8 buffer[6144]; /* I/O buffer (holds up to a whole track) */ UINT8 dam_list[256][4]; /* list of data address marks while formatting */ int dam_data[256]; /* offset to data inside buffer while formatting */ int dam_cnt; /* valid number of entries in the dam_list */ UINT8 *fmt_sector_data[256]; /* pointer to data after formatting a track */ int data_offset; /* offset into I/O buffer */ int data_count; /* transfer count from/into I/O buffer */ const char *image_name; /* file name for disc image */ void *image_file; /* file handle for disc image */ int mode; /* open mode == 0 read only, != 0 read/write */ unsigned long image_size; /* size of image file */ UINT16 dir_sector; /* directory track for deleted DAM */ UINT16 dir_length; /* directory length for deleted DAM */ SECMAP *secmap; } WD179X; /* structure describing a double density track */ #define TRKSIZE_DD 6144 static UINT8 track_DD[][2] = { {16, 0x4e}, /* 16 * 4E (track lead in) */ { 8, 0x00}, /* 8 * 00 (pre DAM) */ { 3, 0xf5}, /* 3 * F5 (clear CRC) */ { 1, 0xfe}, /* *** sector *** FE (DAM) */ { 1, 0x80}, /* 4 bytes track,head,sector,seclen */ { 1, 0xf7}, /* 1 * F7 (CRC) */ {22, 0x4e}, /* 22 * 4E (sector lead in) */ {12, 0x00}, /* 12 * 00 (pre AM) */ { 3, 0xf5}, /* 3 * F5 (clear CRC) */ { 1, 0xfb}, /* 1 * FB (AM) */ { 1, 0x81}, /* x bytes sector data */ { 1, 0xf7}, /* 1 * F7 (CRC) */ {16, 0x4e}, /* 16 * 4E (sector lead out) */ { 8, 0x00}, /* 8 * 00 (post sector) */ { 0, 0x00}, /* end of data */ }; /* structure describing a single density track */ #define TRKSIZE_SD 3172 static UINT8 track_SD[][2] = { {16, 0xff}, /* 16 * FF (track lead in) */ { 8, 0x00}, /* 8 * 00 (pre DAM) */ { 1, 0xfc}, /* 1 * FC (clear CRC) */ {11, 0xff}, /* *** sector *** 11 * FF */ { 6, 0x00}, /* 6 * 00 (pre DAM) */ { 1, 0xfe}, /* 1 * FE (DAM) */ { 1, 0x80}, /* 4 bytes track,head,sector,seclen */ { 1, 0xf7}, /* 1 * F7 (CRC) */ {10, 0xff}, /* 10 * FF (sector lead in) */ { 4, 0x00}, /* 4 * 00 (pre AM) */ { 1, 0xfb}, /* 1 * FB (AM) */ { 1, 0x81}, /* x bytes sector data */ { 1, 0xf7}, /* 1 * F7 (CRC) */ { 0, 0x00}, /* end of data */ }; WD179X *wd[MAX_DRIVES]; static UINT8 drv = 0; void wd179x_CloseDiskImage(unsigned char DriveNumber) { WD179X *w = wd[DriveNumber]; fclose((FILE *)w->image_file); w->image_file = NULL; w->image_name = NULL; } void wd179x_InitDiskImage(unsigned char DriveNumber, const char *DriveImageFileName) { WD179X *w = wd[DriveNumber]; w->image_name = DriveImageFileName; // Open file images w->mode = 1; // Open Read/Write w->image_file = fopen(w->image_name, "r+b"); if( !w->image_file ) { w->mode = 0; // Open Read Only w->image_file = fopen(w->image_name,"rb"); } w->track = 0; w->head = 0; w->sector = 0; } void wd179x_init(int active) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DRIVES; i++) { wd[i] = (WD179X *)malloc(sizeof(WD179X)); if (!wd[i]) { while (--i >= 0) { free(wd[i]); wd[i] = 0; } return; } memset(wd[i], 0, sizeof(WD179X)); wd[i]->unit = 0; wd[i]->tracks = 40; wd[i]->heads = 1; wd[i]->density = DEN_MFM_LO; wd[i]->offset = 0; wd[i]->first_sector_id = 0; wd[i]->sec_per_track = 17; wd[i]->sector_length = 256; wd[i]->head = 0; wd[i]->track = 0; wd[i]->track_reg = 0; wd[i]->direction = 1; wd[i]->sector = 0; wd[i]->data = 0; wd[i]->status = (active) ? STA_1_TRACK0 : 0; wd[i]->status_drq = 0; wd[i]->status_ipl = 0; wd[i]->busy_count = 0; wd[i]->data_offset = 0; wd[i]->data_count = 0; wd[i]->image_name = 0; wd[i]->image_size = 0; wd[i]->dir_sector = 0; wd[i]->dir_length = 0; wd[i]->secmap = 0; } } void wd179x_select_drive(UINT8 drive, UINT8 head, void (*callback) (int)) { WD179X *w = wd[drive]; if (drive < MAX_DRIVES) { drv = drive; w->head = head; w->status_ipl = STA_1_IPL; w->callback = callback; if (w->image_file) { return; } } w->status = STA_1_NOT_READY; } void wd179x_stop_drive(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DRIVES; i++) { WD179X *w = wd[i]; w->busy_count = 0; w->status = 0; w->status_drq = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_CLR); w->status_ipl = 0; } } void wd179x_read_sectormap(UINT8 drive, UINT8 * tracks, UINT8 * heads, UINT8 * sec_per_track) { WD179X *w = wd[drive]; SECMAP *p; UINT8 head; if (!w->secmap) w->secmap = (SECMAP *)malloc(0x2200); if (!w->secmap) return; fseek((FILE *)w->image_file, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(w->secmap, 1, 0x2200, (FILE *)w->image_file); w->offset = 0x2200; w->tracks = 0; w->heads = 0; w->sec_per_track = 0; w->first_sector_id = 0x0ff; for (p = w->secmap; p->track != 0xff; p++) { if (p->track > w->tracks) w->tracks = p->track; if (p->sector < w->first_sector_id) w->first_sector_id = p->sector; if (p->sector > w->sec_per_track) w->sec_per_track = p->sector; head = (p->status >> 4) & 1; if (head > w->heads) w->heads = head; } *tracks = w->tracks++; *heads = w->heads++; *sec_per_track = w->sec_per_track++; } void wd179x_set_geometry(UINT8 density, UINT8 drive, UINT8 tracks, UINT8 heads, UINT8 sec_per_track, UINT16 sector_length, UINT16 dir_sector, UINT16 dir_length, UINT8 first_sector_id) { WD179X *w = wd[drive]; if (drive >= MAX_DRIVES) { return; } w->density = density; w->tracks = tracks; w->heads = heads; w->first_sector_id = first_sector_id; w->sec_per_track = sec_per_track; w->sector_length = sector_length; w->dir_sector = dir_sector; w->dir_length = dir_length; w->image_size = w->tracks * w->heads * w->sec_per_track * w->sector_length; /* calculate greatest power of 2 */ if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) { unsigned long N = 0; unsigned long ShiftCount = 0; if (N==0) { N = (w->sector_length); while ((N & 0x080000000)==0) { N = N<<1; ShiftCount++; } /* get left-shift required to shift 1 to this power of 2 */ /* N = 0 for 128, N = 1 for 256, N = 2 for 512 ... */ N = (31 - ShiftCount)-7; } else { N = 1; } } } /* seek to track/head/sector relative position in image file */ static int seek(WD179X * w, UINT8 t, UINT8 h, UINT8 s) { unsigned long offset; SECMAP *p; UINT8 head; if (w->secmap) { offset = 0x2200; for (p = w->secmap; p->track != 0xff; p++) { if (p->track == t && p->sector == s) { head = (p->status & 0x10) >> 4; if (head == h) { if (fseek((FILE *)w->image_file, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } return 0; } } //offset += 0x100; if (p->track==0 && head==0) offset += 0x80; else offset += 0x100; } return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } /* allow two additional tracks */ if (t >= w->tracks + 2) { return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } if (h >= w->heads) { return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } if (s >= (w->first_sector_id + w->sec_per_track)) { return STA_2_REC_N_FND; } if ((t==0) && (h==0)) offset = (s-w->first_sector_id)*128; else offset = ((t*w->heads+h)*17+s-w->first_sector_id)*256-2048; // (17*256)-(18*128)=2048 if (offset > w->image_size) { return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } if (fseek((FILE *)w->image_file, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } return 0; } /* return STA_2_REC_TYPE depending on relative sector */ static int deleted_dam(WD179X * w) { unsigned rel_sector = (w->track * w->heads + w->head) * w->sec_per_track + (w->sector-w->first_sector_id); SECMAP *p; UINT8 head; if (w->secmap) { for (p = w->secmap; p->track != 0xff; p++) { if (p->track == w->track && p->sector == w->sector) { head = (p->status >> 4) & 1; if (w->head == head) return p->status & STA_2_REC_TYPE; } } return STA_2_REC_N_FND; } if (rel_sector >= w->dir_sector && rel_sector < w->dir_sector + w->dir_length) { return STA_2_REC_TYPE; } return 0; } /* calculate CRC for data address marks or sector data */ static void calc_crc(UINT16 * crc, UINT8 value) { UINT8 l, h; l = value ^ (*crc >> 8); *crc = (*crc & 0xff) | (l << 8); l >>= 4; l ^= (*crc >> 8); *crc <<= 8; *crc = (*crc & 0xff00) | l; l = (l << 4) | (l >> 4); h = l; l = (l << 2) | (l >> 6); l &= 0x1f; *crc = *crc ^ (l << 8); l = h & 0xf0; *crc = *crc ^ (l << 8); l = (h << 1) | (h >> 7); l &= 0xe0; *crc = *crc ^ l; } /* read the next data address mark */ static void read_dam(WD179X * w) { UINT16 crc = 0xffff; w->data_offset = 0; w->data_count = 6; w->buffer[0] = w->track; w->buffer[1] = w->head; w->buffer[2] = w->sector_dam; w->buffer[3] = w->sector_length >> 8; calc_crc(&crc, w->buffer[0]); calc_crc(&crc, w->buffer[1]); calc_crc(&crc, w->buffer[2]); calc_crc(&crc, w->buffer[3]); w->buffer[4] = crc & 255; w->buffer[5] = crc / 256; if (++w->sector_dam == w->sec_per_track) w->sector_dam = w->first_sector_id; w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status = STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; w->busy_count = 50; } /* read a sector */ static void read_sector(WD179X * w) { w->data_offset = 0; w->data_count = w->sector_length; /* if a track was just formatted */ if (w->dam_cnt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < w->dam_cnt; i++) { if (w->track == w->dam_list[i][0] && w->head == w->dam_list[i][1] && w->sector == w->dam_list[i][2]) { w->data_offset = w->dam_data[i]; return; } } /* sector not found, now the track buffer is invalid */ w->dam_cnt = 0; } /* if this is the real thing */ if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) { int tries = 3; do { //w->status = osd_fdc_get_sector(w->track, w->head, w->head, w->sector, w->buffer); tries--; } while (tries && (w->status & (STA_2_REC_N_FND | STA_2_CRC_ERR | STA_2_LOST_DAT))); /* no error bits set ? */ if ((w->status & (STA_2_REC_N_FND | STA_2_CRC_ERR | STA_2_LOST_DAT)) == 0) { /* start transferring data to the emulation now */ w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status |= STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; } return; } else if (fread(w->buffer, 1, w->sector_length, (FILE *)w->image_file) != w->sector_length) { w->status = STA_2_LOST_DAT; return; } w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status = STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; w->busy_count = 0; } /* read an entire track */ static void read_track(WD179X * w) { UINT8 *psrc; /* pointer to track format structure */ UINT8 *pdst; /* pointer to track buffer */ int cnt; /* number of bytes to fill in */ UINT16 crc; /* id or data CRC */ UINT8 d; /* data */ UINT8 t = w->track; /* track of DAM */ UINT8 h = w->head; /* head of DAM */ UINT8 s = w->sector_dam; /* sector of DAM */ UINT16 l = w->sector_length; /* sector length of DAM */ int i; for (i = 0; i < w->sec_per_track; i++) { w->dam_list[i][0] = t; w->dam_list[i][1] = h; w->dam_list[i][2] = i; w->dam_list[i][3] = l >> 8; } pdst = w->buffer; if (w->density) { psrc = track_DD[0]; /* double density track format */ cnt = TRKSIZE_DD; } else { psrc = track_SD[0]; /* single density track format */ cnt = TRKSIZE_SD; } while (cnt > 0) { if (psrc[0] == 0) /* no more track format info ? */ { if (w->dam_cnt < w->sec_per_track) /* but more DAM info ? */ { if (w->density)/* DD track ? */ psrc = track_DD[3]; else psrc = track_SD[3]; } } if (psrc[0] != 0) /* more track format info ? */ { cnt -= psrc[0]; /* subtract size */ d = psrc[1]; if (d == 0xf5) /* clear CRC ? */ { crc = 0xffff; d = 0xa1; /* store A1 */ } for (i = 0; i < *psrc; i++) *pdst++ = d; /* fill data */ if (d == 0xf7) /* store CRC ? */ { pdst--; /* go back one byte */ *pdst++ = crc & 255; /* put CRC low */ *pdst++ = crc / 256; /* put CRC high */ cnt -= 1; /* count one more byte */ } else if (d == 0xfe)/* address mark ? */ { crc = 0xffff; /* reset CRC */ } else if (d == 0x80)/* sector ID ? */ { pdst--; /* go back one byte */ t = *pdst++ = w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][0]; /* track number */ h = *pdst++ = w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][1]; /* head number */ s = *pdst++ = w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][2]; /* sector number */ l = *pdst++ = w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][3]; /* sector length code */ w->dam_cnt++; calc_crc(&crc, t); /* build CRC */ calc_crc(&crc, h); /* build CRC */ calc_crc(&crc, s); /* build CRC */ calc_crc(&crc, l); /* build CRC */ l = (l == 0) ? 128 : l << 8; } else if (d == 0xfb)// data address mark ? { crc = 0xffff; // reset CRC } else if (d == 0x81)// sector DATA ? { pdst--; /* go back one byte */ if (seek(w, t, h, s) == 0) { if (fread(pdst, 1, l, (FILE *)w->image_file) != l) { w->status = STA_2_CRC_ERR; return; } } else { w->status = STA_2_REC_N_FND; return; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) // build CRC of all data calc_crc(&crc, *pdst++); cnt -= l; } psrc += 2; } else { *pdst++ = 0xff; /* fill track */ cnt--; /* until end */ } } w->data_offset = 0; w->data_count = (w->density) ? TRKSIZE_DD : TRKSIZE_SD; w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status |= STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; w->busy_count = 0; } /* write a sector */ static void write_sector(WD179X * w) { if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) { return; } if (w->mode == 0) { w->status = STA_2_WRITE_PRO; } else { w->status = seek(w, w->track, w->head, w->sector); if (w->status == 0) { if (fwrite(w->buffer, 1, w->data_offset, (FILE *)w->image_file) != w->data_offset) w->status = STA_2_LOST_DAT; } } } /* write an entire track by extracting the sectors */ static void write_track(WD179X * w) { UINT8 *f; int cnt; w->dam_cnt = 0; if (w->image_file != REAL_FDD && w->mode == 0) { w->status = STA_2_WRITE_PRO; return; } memset(w->dam_list, 0xff, sizeof(w->dam_list)); memset(w->dam_data, 0x00, sizeof(w->dam_data)); f = w->buffer; cnt = (w->density) ? TRKSIZE_DD : TRKSIZE_SD; do { while ((--cnt > 0) && (*f != 0xfe)) /* start of DAM ?? */ f++; if (cnt > 4) { int seclen; cnt -= 5; f++; /* skip FE */ w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][0] = *f++; /* copy track number */ w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][1] = *f++; /* copy head number */ w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][2] = *f++; /* copy sector number */ w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][3] = *f++; /* copy sector length */ /* sector length in bytes */ seclen = 128 << w->dam_list[w->dam_cnt][3]; /* search start of DATA */ while ((--cnt > 0) && (*f != 0xf9) && (*f != 0xfa) && (*f != 0xfb)) f++; if (cnt > seclen) { cnt--; /* skip data address mark */ f++; /* set pointer to DATA to later write the sectors contents */ w->dam_data[w->dam_cnt] = (int)(f - w->buffer); w->dam_cnt++; f += seclen; cnt -= seclen; } } } while (cnt > 0); if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) { w->status = 0; } else { /* now put all sectors contained in the format buffer */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < w->dam_cnt; cnt++) { w->status = seek(w, w->track, w->head, w->dam_list[cnt][2]); if (w->status == 0) { if (fwrite(&w->buffer[w->dam_data[cnt]],1, w->sector_length, (FILE *)w->image_file) != w->sector_length) { w->status = STA_2_LOST_DAT; return; } } } } } /* read the FDC status register. This clears IRQ line too */ UINT8 wd179x_status_r(void) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; int result = w->status; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_IRQ_CLR); if (w->busy_count) { if (!--w->busy_count) w->status &= ~STA_1_BUSY; } /* eventually toggle index pulse bit */ w->status ^= w->status_ipl; /* eventually set data request bit */ w->status |= w->status_drq; return result; } /* read the FDC track register */ UINT8 wd179x_track_r(void) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; return w->track_reg; } /* read the FDC sector register */ UINT8 wd179x_sector_r(void) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; return w->sector; } /* read the FDC data register */ UINT8 wd179x_data_r(void) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; if (w->data_count > 0) { w->status &= ~STA_2_DRQ; if (--w->data_count <= 0) { /* clear busy bit */ w->status &= ~STA_2_BUSY; /* no more setting of data request bit */ w->status_drq = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_CLR); if (w->image_file != REAL_FDD) { /* read normal or deleted data address mark ? */ w->status |= deleted_dam(w); } /* generate an IRQ */ if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_IRQ_SET); } w->data = w->buffer[w->data_offset++]; } return w->data; } /* write the FDC command register */ void wd179x_command_w(UINT8 data) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; if ((data | 1) == 0xff) /* change single/double density ? */ { /* only supports FM/LO and MFM/LO */ w->density = (data & 1) ? DEN_MFM_LO : DEN_FM_LO; return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_IV) == FDC_FORCE_INT) { w->data_count = 0; w->data_offset = 0; w->status &= ~(STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY); w->status_drq = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_CLR); w->status_ipl = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_IRQ_CLR); w->busy_count = 0; return; } if (data & 0x80) { w->status_ipl = 0; if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_II) == FDC_READ_SEC) { w->read_cmd = data; w->command = data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_II; w->status = seek(w, w->track, w->head, w->sector); if (w->status == 0) read_sector(w); return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_II) == FDC_WRITE_SEC) { w->write_cmd = data; w->command = data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_II; w->data_offset = 0; w->data_count = w->sector_length; w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status = STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; w->busy_count = 0; return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_III) == FDC_READ_TRK) { w->command = data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_III; w->status = seek(w, w->track, w->head, w->sector); if (w->status == 0) read_track(w); return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_III) == FDC_WRITE_TRK) { w->command = data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_III; w->data_offset = 0; w->data_count = (w->density) ? TRKSIZE_DD : TRKSIZE_SD; w->status_drq = STA_2_DRQ; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_SET); w->status = STA_2_DRQ | STA_2_BUSY; w->busy_count = 0; return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_III) == FDC_READ_DAM) { w->status = seek(w, w->track, w->head, w->sector); if (w->status == 0) read_dam(w); return; } return; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_I) == FDC_RESTORE) { /* simulate seek time busy signal */ w->busy_count = w->track * ((data & FDC_STEP_RATE) + 1); /* if it is a real floppy, issue a recal command */ if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) { w->track = 0;//osd_fdc_recal(&w->track); } else { w->track = 0; /* set track number 0 */ } w->track_reg = w->track; } if ((data & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_I) == FDC_SEEK) { UINT8 newtrack = w->data; /* if it is a real floppy, issue a seek command */ /* simulate seek time busy signal */ w->busy_count = abs(newtrack - w->track) * ((data & FDC_STEP_RATE) + 1); if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) w->track = newtrack;//osd_fdc_seek(newtrack, &w->track); else w->track = newtrack; /* get track number from data register */ w->track_reg = w->track; } if ((data & ~(FDC_STEP_UPDATE | FDC_MASK_TYPE_I)) == FDC_STEP) { /* if it is a real floppy, issue a step command */ /* simulate seek time busy signal */ w->busy_count = ((data & FDC_STEP_RATE) + 1); if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) w->track += w->direction;//osd_fdc_step(w->direction, &w->track); else w->track += w->direction; /* adjust track number */ } if ((data & ~(FDC_STEP_UPDATE | FDC_MASK_TYPE_I)) == FDC_STEP_IN) { w->direction = +1; /* simulate seek time busy signal */ w->busy_count = ((data & FDC_STEP_RATE) + 1); /* if it is a real floppy, issue a step command */ if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) w->track += w->direction;//osd_fdc_step(w->direction, &w->track); else w->track += w->direction; /* adjust track number */ } if ((data & ~(FDC_STEP_UPDATE | FDC_MASK_TYPE_I)) == FDC_STEP_OUT) { w->direction = -1; /* simulate seek time busy signal */ w->busy_count = ((data & FDC_STEP_RATE) + 1); /* if it is a real floppy, issue a step command */ if (w->image_file == REAL_FDD) w->track += w->direction;//osd_fdc_step(w->direction, &w->track); else w->track += w->direction; /* adjust track number */ } if (w->busy_count) w->status = STA_1_BUSY; /* toggle index pulse at read */ w->status_ipl = STA_1_IPL; if (w->track >= w->tracks) w->status |= STA_1_SEEK_ERR; if (w->track == 0) w->status |= STA_1_TRACK0; if (w->mode == 0) w->status |= STA_1_WRITE_PRO; if (data & FDC_STEP_UPDATE) w->track_reg = w->track; if (data & FDC_STEP_HDLOAD) w->status |= STA_1_HD_LOADED; if (data & FDC_STEP_VERIFY) if (w->track_reg != w->track) w->status |= STA_1_SEEK_ERR; } /* write the FDC track register */ void wd179x_track_w(UINT8 data) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; w->track = w->track_reg = data; } /* write the FDC sector register */ void wd179x_sector_w(UINT8 data) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; w->sector = data; } /* write the FDC data register */ void wd179x_data_w(UINT8 data) { WD179X *w = wd[drv]; if (w->data_count > 0) { w->buffer[w->data_offset++] = data; if (--w->data_count <= 0) { w->status_drq = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_DRQ_CLR); if (w->command == FDC_WRITE_TRK) write_track(w); else write_sector(w); w->data_offset = 0; if (w->callback) (*w->callback) (WD179X_IRQ_SET); } } w->data = data; } /*************************************************************/ /* Function: svi_LoadDisk */ /* Purpose: Try to load a disk image */ /*************************************************************/ unsigned char svi_LoadDisk(unsigned char disk, char *filename) { unsigned char status = 0; char s[256]; FILE *f; int fsize; if (strstr(filename,".\\")!=filename) { strcpy(s,dskPath); strcat(s,filename); if (f=fopen(s,"rb")) { strcpy(filename,s); fclose(f); } } if (!(f=fopen(filename,"rb"))) return 0; fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); fsize=ftell(f); switch (fsize) { case 346112 : svi_disk_heads[disk] = 2; status=1; break; case 172032 : svi_disk_heads[disk] = 1; status=1; break; } fclose(f); return status; } /*************************************************************/ /* Function: svi_fdc_callback */ /* Purpose: Callback routine for the FDC. */ /*************************************************************/ void svi_fdc_callback(int param) { switch( param ) { case WD179X_IRQ_CLR: fdc_status &= ~0x80; break; case WD179X_IRQ_SET: fdc_status |= 0x80; break; case WD179X_DRQ_CLR: fdc_status &= ~0x40; break; case WD179X_DRQ_SET: fdc_status |= 0x40; break; } } /*************************************************************/ /* Function: svi_fdc_disk_motor */ /* Purpose: Floppy disk and motor select. */ /*************************************************************/ void svi_fdc_disk_motor(unsigned char data) { unsigned char seldrive = 255; if (data == 0) { wd179x_stop_drive(); return; } if (data & 2) { seldrive=1; } if (data & 1) { seldrive=0; } if (seldrive > 3) return; fdc_drive = seldrive; wd179x_select_drive(fdc_drive, fdc_head, svi_fdc_callback); } /*************************************************************/ /* Function: svi_fdc_density_side */ /* Purpose: Floppy density and head select. */ /*************************************************************/ void svi_fdc_density_side(unsigned char data) { unsigned char sectors_track; unsigned short int sector_size; if (data & 2) fdc_head = 1; else fdc_head = 0; if (data & 1) { fdc_density = DEN_FM_LO; sectors_track = 18; sector_size = 128; } else { fdc_density = DEN_MFM_LO; sectors_track = 17; sector_size = 256; } wd179x_set_geometry(fdc_density, fdc_drive, svi_disk_tracks, svi_disk_heads[fdc_drive], sectors_track, sector_size, 0, 0, 1); } #endif #define EVENT_CLOCK 0 #define SET_BANK(s, e, w, r) { \ int sb = (s) >> 13, eb = (e) >> 13; \ for(int i = sb; i <= eb; i++) { \ if((w) == wdmy) { \ wbank[i] = wdmy; \ } else { \ wbank[i] = (w) + 0x2000 * (i - sb); \ } \ if((r) == rdmy) { \ rbank[i] = rdmy; \ } else { \ rbank[i] = (r) + 0x2000 * (i - sb); \ } \ } \ } bool MEMORY_EX::load_cart(const _TCHAR *file_path) { bool result = false; FILEIO* fio = new FILEIO(); if(fio->Fopen(file_path, FILEIO_READ_BINARY)) { memset(rom, 0xff, sizeof(rom)); fio->Fread(rom, sizeof(rom), 1); fio->Fread(r12, sizeof(r12), 1); SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy, rom); SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, ram, ram); fio->Fclose(); result = true; } delete fio; return result; } void MEMORY_EX::open_cart(const _TCHAR *file_path) { if(load_cart(file_path)) { inserted = true; } } void MEMORY_EX::close_cart() { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy, bio); SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, ram, ram); inserted = false; } // memory bus void MEMORY_EX::initialize() { svi_UseDisk = 0; memset(bio, 0xff, sizeof(bio)); memset(rdmy, 0xff, sizeof(rdmy)); memset(wdmy, 0xff, sizeof(wdmy)); FILEIO* fio = new FILEIO(); if((fio->Fopen(create_local_path(_T("SVI318.ROM")), FILEIO_READ_BINARY)) || (fio->Fopen(create_local_path(_T("SVI328.ROM")), FILEIO_READ_BINARY)) || (fio->Fopen(create_local_path(_T("SVI328a.ROM")), FILEIO_READ_BINARY))) { fio->Fread(bio, sizeof(bio), 1); fio->Fclose(); } delete fio; #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) wd179x_init(1); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DRIVE; i++) { disk[i] = new DISK(emu); disk[i]->set_device_name(_T("%s/Disk #%d"), this_device_name, i + 1); disk[i]->drive_type = DRIVE_TYPE_2DD; } #endif close_cart(); close_tape(); } #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) void MEMORY_EX::release() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DRIVE; i++) { if(disk[i]) { disk[i]->close(); delete disk[i]; } } } #endif void MEMORY_EX::reset() { if (!inserted) { memset(rom, 0xff, sizeof(rom)); memset(r12, 0xff, sizeof(r12)); } memset(ram, 0, sizeof(ram)); memset(r21, 0, sizeof(r21)); memset(r22, 0, sizeof(r22)); memset(r31, 0, sizeof(r31)); memset(r32, 0, sizeof(r32)); memset(tapedata, 0, sizeof(tapedata)); } void MEMORY_EX::write_data8(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data) { wbank[addr >> 13][addr & 0x1fff] = data; } uint32_t MEMORY_EX::read_io8(uint32_t addr) { unsigned char port = addr; uint32_t ret=0xff; switch (port) { case 0x30 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) ret=wd179x_status_r(); break; case 0x31 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) ret=wd179x_track_r(); break; case 0x32 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) ret=wd179x_sector_r(); break; case 0x33 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) ret=wd179x_data_r(); break; case 0x34 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) ret=fdc_status; break; default: ret=strig; } return ret; } void MEMORY_EX::write_io8(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data) { // Write the value to the appropriate port unsigned char port = addr; unsigned char value = data; switch (port) { case 0x30 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) { wd179x_command_w(value); if ((value & ~FDC_MASK_TYPE_I) == FDC_RESTORE) fdc_status |= 0x80; } break; case 0x31 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) wd179x_track_w(value); break; case 0x32 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) wd179x_sector_w(value); break; case 0x33 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) wd179x_data_w(value); break; case 0x34 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) svi_fdc_disk_motor(value); break; case 0x38 : if (svi_UseDisk == 1) svi_fdc_density_side(value); break; default: strig &= 0xE0; data &= 0x1F; strig |= data; } } uint32_t MEMORY_EX::read_data8(uint32_t addr) { addr &= 0xffff; if (!play) return rbank[addr >> 13][addr & 0x1fff]; if (addr==0x210a) { count=0; done=0; return 0xAF; } if (addr==0x210b) { strig &= 0x7F; return 0x00; } if (addr==0x210c) return 0xc9; if (addr==0x21a9) return 0x3e; if (addr==0x21aa) { while ((tapePos<tapeLen)&&(!done)) { switch (tapedata[tapePos++]) { case 0x7F : done=count>=10; break; case 0x55 : count++; break; default : count=0; break; } } return tapedata[tapePos++]; } if (addr==0x21ab) return 0xc9; return rbank[addr >> 13][addr & 0x1fff]; } void MEMORY_EX::write_signal(int id, uint32_t data, uint32_t mask) { if (data & 16) { if (data & 4) { SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, ram, ram); } else { if (data % 2 == 1) { SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, r22, r22); } else { SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, wdmy,r12); } } } else { SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, r32, r32); } data &= 0x0f; if (data==3 || data==7) { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, r31, r31); } else if (data==13) { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, r21, r21); } else { if (data % 2 == 1) { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy,bio); } else { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy,rom); } } return; } uint32_t MEMORY_EX::fetch_op(uint32_t addr, int* wait) { *wait = 1; return read_data8(addr); } bool MEMORY_EX::play_tape(const _TCHAR* file_path) { FILEIO* fio = new FILEIO(); if(fio->Fopen(file_path, FILEIO_READ_BINARY)) { fio->Fread(tapedata, sizeof(tapedata), 1); tapeLen = fio->Ftell(); fio->Fclose(); play = true; } delete fio; strig = 0xBF; tapePos=0; return true; } void MEMORY_EX::close_tape() { memset(tapedata, 0, sizeof(tapedata)); strig = 0xFF; tapePos=0; play = false; } #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) void MEMORY_EX::open_disk(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path, int bank) { if(drv < MAX_DRIVE) { // disk[drv]->open(file_path, bank); if (svi_LoadDisk(drv, (char *)file_path) > 0) { wd179x_InitDiskImage(drv, file_path); disk[drv]->inserted = true; svi_UseDisk = 1; } } } void MEMORY_EX::close_disk(int drv) { if(drv < MAX_DRIVE && disk[drv]->inserted) { // disk[drv]->close(); wd179x_CloseDiskImage(drv); disk[drv]->inserted = false; svi_UseDisk = 0; } } bool MEMORY_EX::is_disk_inserted(int drv) { if(drv < MAX_DRIVE) { return disk[drv]->inserted; } return false; } void MEMORY_EX::is_disk_protected(int drv, bool value) { if(drv < MAX_DRIVE) { disk[drv]->write_protected = value; } } bool MEMORY_EX::is_disk_protected(int drv) { if(drv < MAX_DRIVE) { return disk[drv]->write_protected; } return false; } #endif #define STATE_VERSION 1 bool MEMORY_EX::process_state(FILEIO* state_fio, bool loading) { if(!state_fio->StateCheckUint32(STATE_VERSION)) { return false; } if(!state_fio->StateCheckInt32(this_device_id)) { return false; } state_fio->StateValue(inserted); // post process if(loading) { if(inserted) { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy, rom); SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, ram, ram); } else { SET_BANK(0x0000, 0x7fff, wdmy, bio); SET_BANK(0x8000, 0xffff, ram, ram); } } return true; }
/* Common Source Code Project SVI-3x8 Origin : src/vm/msx/msx.h modified by tanam Date : 2018.12.09- [ virtual machine ] */ #ifndef _MSX_EX_H_ #define _MSX_EX_H_ #if defined(_SVI3X8) #define DEVICE_NAME "SPECTRAVIDEO SVI-3x8" #define CONFIG_NAME "svi3x8" #endif #if defined(_SVI3X8) #define _MSX1_VARIANTS #define MAINROM_SLOT 0x00 #define CART1_SLOT 0x01 #define FDD_PATCH_SLOT 0x8B #endif // device informations for virtual machine #define FRAMES_PER_SEC 60 #define LINES_PER_FRAME 262 #define CPU_CLOCKS 3579545 #if defined(_MSX1_VARIANTS) #define SCREEN_WIDTH 512 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 384 #define WINDOW_WIDTH_ASPECT 576 #endif #define TMS9918A_VRAM_SIZE 0x4000 #define TMS9918A_LIMIT_SPRITES //#if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) #define MAX_DRIVE 2 //#define SUPPORT_MEDIA_TYPE_1DD //#define Z80_PSEUDO_BIOS //#endif #define HAS_AY_3_8910 // for Flappy Limited '85 #define AY_3_891X_PORT_MODE 0x80 // device informations for win32 #define USE_CART 2 #define USE_TAPE 1 //#if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) #define USE_FLOPPY_DISK 2 //#endif #define USE_AUTO_KEY 6 #define USE_AUTO_KEY_RELEASE 10 #define USE_SOUND_VOLUME 7 #define USE_JOYSTICK #define USE_DEBUGGER #define USE_STATE //#define USE_PRINTER //#define USE_PRINTER_TYPE 4 #include "../../common.h" #include "../../fileio.h" #include "../vm_template.h" #ifdef USE_SOUND_VOLUME static const _TCHAR *sound_device_caption[] = { _T("PSG"), _T("Beep"), _T("CMT (Signal)"), _T("Cart#1"), _T("Cart#2"), _T("MSX-MUSIC"), _T("Noise (CMT)"), }; #endif class EMU; class DEVICE; class EVENT; //class DATAREC; class I8255; class IO; class NOT; class AY_3_891X; class PCM1BIT; class TMS9918A; class Z80; class JOYSTICK; class KEYBOARD; class MEMORY_EX; class SLOT_MAINROM; class SLOT_CART; #if defined(USE_PRINTER) class PRINTER; #endif //#if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) //class SLOT_FDD_PATCH; //#endif class VM : public VM_TEMPLATE { protected: // EMU* emu; // devices EVENT* event; // DATAREC* drec; I8255* pio; IO* io; NOT* not_remote; AY_3_891X* psg; PCM1BIT* pcm; TMS9918A* vdp; Z80* cpu; JOYSTICK* joystick; KEYBOARD* keyboard; MEMORY_EX* memory; SLOT_MAINROM *slot_mainrom; SLOT_CART *slot_cart[1]; //#ifdef USE_PRINTER // PRINTER* printer; //#endif public: // ---------------------------------------- // initialize // ---------------------------------------- VM(EMU* parent_emu); ~VM(); // ---------------------------------------- // for emulation class // ---------------------------------------- // drive virtual machine void reset(); void run(); double get_frame_rate() { return FRAMES_PER_SEC; } #ifdef USE_DEBUGGER // debugger DEVICE *get_cpu(int index); #endif // draw screen void draw_screen(); // sound generation void initialize_sound(int rate, int samples); uint16_t* create_sound(int* extra_frames); int get_sound_buffer_ptr(); #ifdef USE_SOUND_VOLUME void set_sound_device_volume(int ch, int decibel_l, int decibel_r); #endif // user interface void open_cart(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path); void close_cart(int drv); bool is_cart_inserted(int drv); void play_tape(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path); void rec_tape(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path); void close_tape(int drv); bool is_tape_inserted(int drv); bool is_tape_playing(int drv); bool is_tape_recording(int drv); int get_tape_position(int drv); const _TCHAR* get_tape_message(int drv); void push_play(int drv); void push_stop(int drv); void push_fast_forward(int drv); void push_fast_rewind(int drv); void push_apss_forward(int drv) {} void push_apss_rewind(int drv) {} #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) void open_floppy_disk(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path, int bank); void close_floppy_disk(int drv); bool is_floppy_disk_inserted(int drv); void is_floppy_disk_protected(int drv, bool value); bool is_floppy_disk_protected(int drv); uint32_t is_floppy_disk_accessed(); #endif bool is_frame_skippable(); void update_config(); bool process_state(FILEIO* state_fio, bool loading); // ---------------------------------------- // for each device // ---------------------------------------- // devices DEVICE* get_device(int id); // DEVICE* dummy; // DEVICE* first_device; // DEVICE* last_device; }; #endif
/* Common Source Code Project SVI-3x8 Origin : src/vm/msx/msx_ex.cpp modified by tanam Date : 2018.12.09- [ virtual machine ] */ #include "msx_ex.h" #include "../../emu.h" #include "../device.h" #include "../event.h" //#include "../datarec.h" #include "../i8255.h" #include "../io.h" #include "../noise.h" #include "../not.h" #include "../ay_3_891x.h" #include "../pcm1bit.h" #include "../tms9918a.h" #include "../z80.h" #ifdef USE_DEBUGGER #include "../debugger.h" #endif #include "joystick.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "memory_ex.h" #ifdef USE_PRINTER #include "printer.h" #include "../prnfile.h" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VM::VM(EMU* parent_emu) : VM_TEMPLATE(parent_emu) { // create devices first_device = last_device = NULL; dummy = new DEVICE(this, emu); // must be 1st device event = new EVENT(this, emu); // must be 2nd device // drec = new DATAREC(this, emu); // drec->set_context_noise_play(new NOISE(this, emu)); // drec->set_context_noise_stop(new NOISE(this, emu)); // drec->set_context_noise_fast(new NOISE(this, emu)); pio = new I8255(this, emu); io = new IO(this, emu); not_remote = new NOT(this, emu); psg = new AY_3_891X(this, emu); pcm = new PCM1BIT(this, emu); vdp = new TMS9918A(this, emu); cpu = new Z80(this, emu); joystick = new JOYSTICK(this, emu); keyboard = new KEYBOARD(this, emu); memory = new MEMORY_EX(this, emu); #ifdef USE_PRINTER printer = new PRINTER(this, emu); #endif // set contexts event->set_context_cpu(cpu); event->set_context_sound(psg); event->set_context_sound(pcm); // event->set_context_sound(drec); // event->set_context_sound(drec->get_context_noise_play()); // event->set_context_sound(drec->get_context_noise_stop()); // event->set_context_sound(drec->get_context_noise_fast()); // drec->set_context_ear(psg, SIG_AY_3_891X_PORT_A, 0x80); pio->set_context_port_c(keyboard, SIG_KEYBOARD_COLUMN, 0x0f, 0); pio->set_context_port_c(not_remote, SIG_NOT_INPUT, 0x10, 0); // not_remote->set_context_out(drec, SIG_DATAREC_REMOTE, 1); // pio->set_context_port_c(drec, SIG_DATAREC_MIC, 0x20, 0); pio->set_context_port_c(pcm, SIG_PCM1BIT_SIGNAL, 0x80, 0); psg->set_context_port_b(memory, SIG_MEMORY_SEL, 0x0f, 0); vdp->set_context_irq(cpu, SIG_CPU_IRQ, 1); joystick->set_context_psg(psg); joystick->set_context_memory(memory); keyboard->set_context_pio(pio); #ifdef USE_PRINTER if(config.printer_type == 0) { printer->set_context_prn(new PRNFILE(this, emu)); } else { printer->set_context_prn(printer); } #endif // cpu bus cpu->set_context_mem(memory); cpu->set_context_io(io); cpu->set_context_intr(dummy); #ifdef USE_DEBUGGER cpu->set_context_debugger(new DEBUGGER(this, emu)); #endif // i/o bus io->set_iomap_range_rw(0x30, 0x38, memory); io->set_iomap_range_w(0x80, 0x81, vdp); io->set_iomap_range_r(0x84, 0x85, vdp); io->set_iomap_range_w(0x94, 0x97, pio); io->set_iomap_range_r(0x99, 0x9a, pio); io->set_iomap_alias_w(0x88, psg, 0); // PSG ch io->set_iomap_alias_w(0x8c, psg, 1); // PSG data io->set_iomap_alias_r(0x90, psg, 1); // STICK io->set_iomap_alias_r(0x98, memory, 1); // STRIG #ifdef USE_PRINTER io->set_iomap_range_rw(0x10, 0x11, printer); #endif // initialize all devices for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device; device = device->next_device) { device->initialize(); } } VM::~VM() { // delete all devices for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device;) { DEVICE *next_device = device->next_device; device->release(); delete device; device = next_device; } } DEVICE* VM::get_device(int id) { for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device; device = device->next_device) { if(device->this_device_id == id) { return device; } } return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // drive virtual machine // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VM::reset() { // reset all devices for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device; device = device->next_device) { device->reset(); } } void VM::run() { event->drive(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debugger // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USE_DEBUGGER DEVICE *VM::get_cpu(int index) { if(index == 0) { return cpu; } return NULL; } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // draw screen // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VM::draw_screen() { vdp->draw_screen(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // soud manager // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VM::initialize_sound(int rate, int samples) { // init sound manager event->initialize_sound(rate, samples); // init sound gen psg->initialize_sound(rate, 3579545, samples, 0, 0); pcm->initialize_sound(rate, 8000); } uint16_t* VM::create_sound(int* extra_frames) { return event->create_sound(extra_frames); } int VM::get_sound_buffer_ptr() { return event->get_sound_buffer_ptr(); } #ifdef USE_SOUND_VOLUME void VM::set_sound_device_volume(int ch, int decibel_l, int decibel_r) { if(ch == 0) { psg->set_volume(1, decibel_l, decibel_r); } else if(ch == 1) { pcm->set_volume(0, decibel_l, decibel_r); // } else if(ch == 2) { // drec->set_volume(0, decibel_l, decibel_r); // } else if(ch == 6) { // drec->get_context_noise_play()->set_volume(0, decibel_l, decibel_r); // drec->get_context_noise_stop()->set_volume(0, decibel_l, decibel_r); // drec->get_context_noise_fast()->set_volume(0, decibel_l, decibel_r); } } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // user interface // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VM::open_cart(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path) { if(drv == 0) { // slot_cart[drv]->open_cart(file_path); // memory->set_context_slot(MAINROM_SLOT, slot_cart[0]); memory->open_cart(file_path); } reset(); } void VM::close_cart(int drv) { if(drv == 0) { // slot_cart[drv]->close_cart(); // memory->set_context_slot(MAINROM_SLOT, slot_mainrom); memory->close_cart(); } reset(); } bool VM::is_cart_inserted(int drv) { if(drv == 0) { // return slot_cart[drv]->is_cart_inserted(); return memory->is_cart_inserted(); } else { return false; } } void VM::play_tape(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path) { memory->play_tape(file_path); // bool remote = drec->get_remote(); // if(drec->play_tape(file_path) && remote) { // // if machine already sets remote on, start playing now // push_play(drv); // } } void VM::rec_tape(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path) { // bool remote = drec->get_remote(); // if(drec->rec_tape(file_path) && remote) { // // if machine already sets remote on, start recording now // push_play(drv); // } } void VM::close_tape(int drv) { emu->lock_vm(); memory->close_tape(); emu->unlock_vm(); // drec->set_remote(false); } bool VM::is_tape_inserted(int drv) { return memory->is_tape_inserted(); } bool VM::is_tape_playing(int drv) { return false; // return drec->is_tape_playing(); } bool VM::is_tape_recording(int drv) { return false; // return drec->is_tape_recording(); } int VM::get_tape_position(int drv) { return 0; // return drec->get_tape_position(); } const _TCHAR* VM::get_tape_message(int drv) { return memory->get_message(); } void VM::push_play(int drv) { // drec->set_remote(false); // drec->set_ff_rew(0); // drec->set_remote(true); } void VM::push_stop(int drv) { // drec->set_remote(false); } void VM::push_fast_forward(int drv) { // drec->set_remote(false); // drec->set_ff_rew(1); // drec->set_remote(true); } void VM::push_fast_rewind(int drv) { // drec->set_remote(false); // drec->set_ff_rew(-1); // drec->set_remote(true); } #if defined(FDD_PATCH_SLOT) void VM::open_floppy_disk(int drv, const _TCHAR* file_path, int bank) { memory->open_disk(drv, file_path, bank); } void VM::close_floppy_disk(int drv) { memory->close_disk(drv); } bool VM::is_floppy_disk_inserted(int drv) { return memory->is_disk_inserted(drv); } void VM::is_floppy_disk_protected(int drv, bool value) { memory->is_disk_protected(drv, value); } bool VM::is_floppy_disk_protected(int drv) { return memory->is_disk_protected(drv); } uint32_t VM::is_floppy_disk_accessed() { return memory->read_signal(0); } #endif bool VM::is_frame_skippable() { return event->is_frame_skippable(); } void VM::update_config() { for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device; device = device->next_device) { device->update_config(); } } #define STATE_VERSION 5 bool VM::process_state(FILEIO* state_fio, bool loading) { if(!state_fio->StateCheckUint32(STATE_VERSION)) { return false; } for(DEVICE* device = first_device; device; device = device->next_device) { const char *name = typeid(*device).name() + 6; // skip "class " int len = strlen(name); if(!state_fio->StateCheckInt32(len)) { return false; } if(!state_fio->StateCheckBuffer(name, len, 1)) { return false; } if(!device->process_state(state_fio, loading)) { return false; } } return true; }