- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2008
- DXSDK_Jun10
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\Effects11
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include\d3dx11effect.h C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86\d3dx11effects.lib
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using SharpDX; using SharpDX.Direct2D1; using SharpDX.DirectWrite; using SharpDX.DXGI; using SharpDX.Windows; using TextAntialiasMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.TextAntialiasMode; using AlphaMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode; using Factory = SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory; namespace HelloApp { /// <summary> /// Shows how to use DirectWrite to render simple text. /// Port of DirectWrite sample SimpleHelloWorld from Windows 7 SDK samples /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd742738%28v=VS.85%29.aspx /// </summary> public class Program { private FormWindowState _currentFormWindowState; private Form _form; public Factory Factory2D { get; private set; } public SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory FactoryDWrite { get; private set; } public WindowRenderTarget RenderTarget2D { get; private set; } public SolidColorBrush SceneColorBrush { get; private set; } public TextFormat TextFormat { get; private set; } public RectangleF ClientRectangle { get; private set; } protected IntPtr DisplayHandle { get { return _form.Handle; } } protected void Initialize() { Factory2D = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory(); FactoryDWrite = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(); HwndRenderTargetProperties properties = new HwndRenderTargetProperties(); properties.Hwnd = DisplayHandle; properties.PixelSize = new SharpDX.Size2(640, 480); properties.PresentOptions = PresentOptions.None; RenderTarget2D = new WindowRenderTarget(Factory2D, new RenderTargetProperties(new PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, AlphaMode.Premultiplied)), properties); RenderTarget2D.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive; SceneColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(RenderTarget2D, Color.White); TextFormat = new TextFormat(FactoryDWrite, "メイリオ", 50) { TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center }; RenderTarget2D.TextAntialiasMode = TextAntialiasMode.Cleartype; ClientRectangle = new RectangleF(0, 0, 640, 480); SceneColorBrush.Color = Color.Black; } protected void Draw() { RenderTarget2D.Clear(Color.White); RenderTarget2D.DrawText("Hello, World!", TextFormat, ClientRectangle, SceneColorBrush); } private void HandleResize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_form.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { return; } } protected virtual Form CreateForm() { return new RenderForm("Direct2D Hello Application") { ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(640, 480) }; } public void Run() { _form = CreateForm(); Initialize(); bool isFormClosed = false; bool formIsResizing = false; _form.Resize += (o, args) => { if (_form.WindowState != _currentFormWindowState) { HandleResize(o, args); } _currentFormWindowState = _form.WindowState; }; _form.ResizeBegin += (o, args) => { formIsResizing = true; }; _form.ResizeEnd += (o, args) => { formIsResizing = false; HandleResize(o, args); }; _form.Closed += (o, args) => { isFormClosed = true; }; RenderLoop.Run(_form, () => { if (isFormClosed) { return; } RenderTarget2D.BeginDraw(); Draw(); RenderTarget2D.EndDraw(); }); } /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> [STAThread] static void Main() { Program program = new Program(); program.Run(); } } }