情報収集していると「Creating a complete UK101 on a low-cost FPGA board」を見つけました。
TI-99/4A A-C4E6 PIN 1 INT5 PIN_30 PIN 2 INT6 PIN_28 PIN 3 INT8 PIN_32 PIN 4 INT4 PIN_31 PIN 5 INT3 PIN_34 PIN 6 P5 PIN_52 PIN 7 INT7 PIN_33 PIN 8 1Y1 PIN_42 PIN 9 1Y0 PIN_43 PIN10 INT9 PIN_39 PIN11 INT10 PIN_38 PIN12 2Y0 PIN_44 PIN13 2Y1 PIN_46 PIN14 2Y2 PIN_49 PIN15 2Y3 PIN_50
-- ZX Spectrum for Altera DE1 -- -- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mike Stirling -- -- All rights reserved -- -- Redistribution and use in source and synthezised forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in synthesized form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors may -- be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without -- specific prior written agreement from the author. -- -- * License is granted for non-commercial use only. A fee may not be charged -- for redistributions as source code or in synthesized/hardware form without -- specific prior written agreement from the author. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- PS/2 scancode to Spectrum matrix conversion library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity UK101keyboard is port ( CLK : in std_logic; nRESET : in std_logic; -- PS/2 interface PS2_CLK : in std_logic; PS2_DATA : in std_logic; -- select bus A : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- matrix return KEYB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end UK101keyboard; architecture rtl of UK101keyboard is -- PS/2 interface component ps2_intf is generic (filter_length : positive := 8); port( CLK : in std_logic; nRESET : in std_logic; -- PS/2 interface (could be bi-dir) PS2_CLK : in std_logic; PS2_DATA : in std_logic; -- Byte-wide data interface - only valid for one clock -- so must be latched externally if required DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); VALID : out std_logic; ERROR : out std_logic ); end component; -- Interface to PS/2 block signal keyb_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal keyb_valid : std_logic; signal keyb_error : std_logic; -- Internal signals type key_matrix is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal keys : key_matrix; signal release : std_logic; signal extended : std_logic; signal shiftPressed : std_logic; begin ps2 : ps2_intf port map ( CLK, nRESET, PS2_CLK, PS2_DATA, keyb_data, keyb_valid, keyb_error ); shiftPressed <= keys(0)(2) or keys(0)(1); -- Output addressed matrix row/col -- Original monitor scans for more than one row at a time, so more than one address may be low ! KEYB(0) <= (keys(0)(0) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(0) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(0) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(0) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(0) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(0) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(0) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(0) or A(7)); KEYB(1) <= (keys(0)(1) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(1) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(1) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(1) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(1) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(1) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(1) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(1) or A(7)); KEYB(2) <= (keys(0)(2) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(2) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(2) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(2) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(2) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(2) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(2) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(2) or A(7)); KEYB(3) <= (keys(0)(3) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(3) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(3) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(3) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(3) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(3) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(3) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(3) or A(7)); KEYB(4) <= (keys(0)(4) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(4) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(4) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(4) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(4) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(4) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(4) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(4) or A(7)); KEYB(5) <= (keys(0)(5) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(5) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(5) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(5) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(5) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(5) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(5) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(5) or A(7)); KEYB(6) <= (keys(0)(6) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(6) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(6) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(6) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(6) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(6) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(6) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(6) or A(7)); KEYB(7) <= (keys(0)(7) or A(0)) and (keys(1)(7) or A(1)) and (keys(2)(7) or A(2)) and (keys(3)(7) or A(3)) and (keys(4)(7) or A(4)) and (keys(5)(7) or A(5)) and (keys(6)(7) or A(6)) and (keys(7)(7) or A(7)); -- KEYB <= keys(0) when A(0) = '0' else -- keys(1) when A(1) = '0' else -- keys(2) when A(2) = '0' else -- keys(3) when A(3) = '0' else -- keys(4) when A(4) = '0' else -- keys(5) when A(5) = '0' else -- keys(6) when A(6) = '0' else -- keys(7) when A(7) = '0' else -- (others => '1'); process(nRESET,CLK) begin if nRESET = '0' then release <= '0'; extended <= '0'; keys(0) <= "11111110"; keys(1) <= (others => '1'); keys(2) <= (others => '1'); keys(3) <= (others => '1'); keys(4) <= (others => '1'); keys(5) <= (others => '1'); keys(6) <= (others => '1'); keys(7) <= (others => '1'); elsif rising_edge(CLK) then if keyb_valid = '1' then if keyb_data = X"e0" then -- Extended key code follows extended <= '1'; elsif keyb_data = X"f0" then -- Release code follows release <= '1'; else -- Cancel extended/release flags for next time release <= '0'; extended <= '0'; case keyb_data is -- when X"0e" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- pipe when X"16" => keys(7)(2) <= release; -- 1 when X"1e" => keys(4)(2) <= release; -- 2 when X"26" => keys(3)(2) <= release; -- 3 when X"25" => keys(2)(2) <= release; -- 4 when X"2e" => keys(6)(2) <= release; -- 5 when X"36" => keys(6)(6) <= release; -- 6 when X"3d" => keys(2)(6) <= release; -- 7 when X"3e" => keys(3)(6) <= release; -- 8 when X"46" => keys(4)(6) <= release; -- 9 when X"45" => keys(7)(6) <= release; -- 0 when X"4e" => keys(5)(3) <= release; -- - -- when X"55" => keys(5)(3) <= release; -- = -- when X"66" => keys(6)(2) <= release; -- Backspace -- when X"0d" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- TAB when X"15" => keys(7)(1) <= release; -- Q when X"1d" => keys(4)(1) <= release; -- W when X"24" => keys(3)(1) <= release; -- E when X"2d" => keys(2)(1) <= release; -- R when X"2c" => keys(6)(1) <= release; -- T when X"35" => keys(6)(7) <= release; -- Y when X"3c" => keys(2)(7) <= release; -- U when X"43" => keys(3)(7) <= release; -- I when X"44" => keys(4)(7) <= release; -- O when X"4d" => keys(7)(7) <= release; -- P -- when X"54" => keys(5)(4) <= release; -- [ -- when X"5b" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- ] when X"5a" => keys(5)(7) <= release; -- ENTER when X"58" => if release = '0' then keys(0)(2) <= not (keys(0)(2)); -- Caps lock end if; when X"1c" => keys(7)(5) <= release; -- A when X"1b" => keys(4)(5) <= release; -- S when X"23" => keys(3)(5) <= release; -- D when X"2b" => keys(2)(5) <= release; -- F when X"34" => keys(6)(5) <= release; -- G when X"33" => keys(6)(4) <= release; -- H when X"3b" => keys(2)(4) <= release; -- J when X"42" => keys(3)(4) <= release; -- K when X"4b" => keys(4)(4) <= release; -- L when X"4c" => keys(7)(4) <= release; -- ; -- when X"52" => keys(6)(1) <= release; -- ' -- when X"5d" => keys(6)(1) <= release; -- # when X"12" => keys(5)(5) <= release; -- Left shift when X"1a" => keys(7)(0) <= release; -- Z when X"22" => keys(4)(0) <= release; -- X when X"21" => keys(3)(0) <= release; -- C when X"2a" => keys(2)(0) <= release; -- V when X"32" => keys(6)(0) <= release; -- B when X"31" => keys(6)(3) <= release; -- N when X"3a" => keys(2)(3) <= release; -- M when X"41" => keys(3)(3) <= release; -- , when X"49" => keys(4)(3) <= release; -- . when X"4a" => keys(7)(3) <= release; -- / when X"59" => keys(5)(2) <= release; -- Right shift -- when X"76" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- Escape when X"29" => keys(5)(4) <= release; -- SPACE when X"14" => keys(5)(1) <= release; -- CTRL -- Cursor keys - these are actually extended (E0 xx), but -- the scancodes for the numeric keypad cursor keys are -- are the same but without the extension, so we'll accept -- the codes whether they are extended or not -- when X"6B" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- Left -- when X"72" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- Down -- when X"75" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- Up -- when X"74" => keys(0)(0) <= release; -- Right when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; end architecture;