Colossal Cave Adventure 攻略その8

「slab」と言えば確実にSlab Roomに行ける


Dirty Passage 泥だらけの通路


In Dusty Rock Room ほこりだらけの岩の部屋


At Complex Junction 複雑な交差点


Bedquilt キルティングベッド


Slab Room 岩盤の部屋

You are in a large low circular chamber whose floor is an immense slab fallen from the ceiling (slab room). East and west there once were large passages, but they are now filled with boulders. Low small passages go north and south, and the south one quickly bends west around the boulders.



At West End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の西側

There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.



At East End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の東側

There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.



In Swiss Cheese Room スイスチーズの部屋


In Soft Room やわらかい部屋

You are in the soft room. The walls are covered with heavy curtains, the floor with a thick pile carpet. Moss covers the ceiling.


A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.


>take pillow



In Swiss Cheese Room スイスチーズの部屋


At East End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の東側

There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.



At West End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の西側

There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.



In West Pit 西側の穴の中

There is a gigantic beanstalk stretching all the way up to the hole.


>climb plant

You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.

In Narrow Corridor 狭い廊下

You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.


Giant Room 巨大な部屋









A large nest full of golden eggs suddenly appears out of nowhere!


>take egg


[Your score has just gone up by five points.]


Immense N/S Passage 南北の通路

The way north leads through a massive, rusty, iron door.


You can also see a small bottle (which is empty) here.



In Cavern With Waterfall 滝のある洞窟


Steep Incline Above Large Room 広い部屋の上の険しい坂道


Large Low Room 天井が低い広い部屋


Oriental Room 東洋的な部屋

You can see a ming vase here.


>take vase


[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]


In Swiss Cheese Room スイスチーズの部屋


Bedquilt キルティングベッド


Slab Room 岩盤の部屋

You are in a large low circular chamber whose floor is an immense slab fallen from the ceiling (slab room). East and west there once were large passages, but they are now filled with boulders. Low small passages go north and south, and the south one quickly bends west around the boulders.



Secret N/S Canyon 隠された南北の谷間


Secret Canyon 隠された谷間

You are in a secret canyon which exits to the north and east.


A huge green fierce dragon bars the way!


The dragon is sprawled out on the Persian rug!


>kill dragon

With what? Your bare hands?

どうやって? 素手で?


Congratulations! You have just vanquished a dragon with your bare

hands! (Unbelievable, isn't it?)

おめでとう! あなたは素手で竜を退治した! (信じられないって?)

>take rug


[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]