At West End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の西側
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
At East End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の東側
You are at the east end of the twopit room. The floor here is littered with thin rock slabs, which make it easy to descend the pits. There is a path here bypassing the pits to connect passages from east and west.
There are holes all over, but the only big one is on the wall directly over the west pit where you can't get to it.
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
In East Pit 東側の穴の中
You are at the bottom of the eastern pit in the twopit room. There is a small pool of oil in one corner of the pit.
>take oil
The bottle is now full of oil.
At East End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の東側
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
At West End of Twopit Room 2つの穴の部屋の西側
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
In West Pit 西側の穴の中
There is a gigantic beanstalk stretching all the way up to the hole.
>climb plant
You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.
In Narrow Corridor 狭い廊下
You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.
Giant Room 巨大な部屋
You are in the giant room. The ceiling here is too high up for your lamp to show it. Cavernous passages lead east, north, and south. On the west wall is scrawled the inscription, "Fee fie foe foo" [sic].
巨大な部屋にいる。天井はとても高くランタンの光がとどかない。東、北、南に洞窟のような通路がある。西の壁には 『 fee fie foe foo 』と刻まれている。
There is a large nest here, full of golden eggs!
>take egg
[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]
Immense N/S Passage 巨大な南北の通路
You are at one end of an immense north/south passage.
The way north is barred by a massive, rusty, iron door.
>pour oil on door
The oil has freed up the hinges so that the door will now move, although it requires some effort.
>drop bottle
(first wrenching the door open)
In Cavern With Waterfall 滝のある洞窟
You are in a magnificent cavern with a rushing stream, which cascades over a sparkling waterfall into a roaring whirlpool which disappears through a hole in the floor. Passages exit to the south and west.
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
>take trident
[Your score has just gone up by seven points.]
Steep Incline Above Large Room 広い部屋の上の険しい坂道
You are at the top of a steep incline above a large room. You could climb down here, but you would not be able to climb up. There is a passage leading back to the north.
Large Low Room 天井が低い広い部屋
You are in a large low room. Crawls lead north, se, and sw.
Sloping Corridor 傾いた長い廊下
You are in a long winding corridor sloping out of sight in both directions.
On SW Side of Chasm 南西の穴の淵
You are on one side of a large, deep chasm. A heavy white mist rising up from below obscures all view of the far side. A southwest path leads away from the chasm into a winding corridor.
A rickety wooden bridge extends across the chasm, vanishing into the mist.
A sign posted on the bridge reads, "Stop! Pay troll!"
The troll is nowhere to be seen.
霧で向こう岸の見えない深い穴に、ぐらつく木の橋がかかっている。橋の側には『止まれ! 通行料を払え! 』と書かれている。
The troll steps out from beneath the bridge and blocks your way.