ZORK I 攻略その3




The Troll Room


East-West Passage


Round Room


Narrow Passage

This is a long and narrow corridor where a long north-south passageway briefly narrows even further.


Mirror Room

You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. On the south wall is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall. There are exits on the other three sides of the room.

>touch mirror

There is a rumble from deep within the earth and the room shakes.


Twisting Passage

This is a winding passage. It seems that there are only exits on the east and north.

A seedy-looking individual with a large bag just wandered through the room. On the way through, he quietly abstracted some valuables from the room and from your possession, mumbling something about "Doing unto others before..."

The thief seems to have left you in the dark.

>turn on lamp

The brass lantern is now on.

Twisting Passage

This is a winding passage. It seems that there are only exits on the east and north.



This is a tiny cave with entrances west and north, and a staircase

leading down.


Atlantis Room

This is an ancient room, long under water. There is an exit to the

south and a staircase leading up.

On the shore lies Poseidon's own crystal trident.

>take trident



Reservoir North

You are in a large cavernous room, north of a large lake.

There is a slimy stairway leaving the room to the north.

There is a hand-held air pump here.

>take pump



Atlantis Room




Mirror Room

You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. On the south wall is an enormous mirror which fills the entire wall. There are exits on the other three sides of the room.


Cold Passage

This is a cold and damp corridor where a long east-west passageway

turns into a southward path.


Cold Passage

This is a cold and damp corridor where a long east-west passageway

turns into a southward path.


You are carrying:

A hand-held air pump

A crystal trident

A nasty knife

A brass lantern (providing light)


Slide Room

This is a small chamber, which appears to have been part of a coal

mine. On the south wall of the chamber the letters "Granite Wall" are etched in the rock. To the east is a long passage, and there is a steep metal slide twisting downward. To the north is a small opening.

There is a bloody axe here.




Living Room

Your collection of treasures consists of:

A painting

A ZORK owner's manual

A jewel-encrusted egg

A black book

A sword

A leaflet

A pile of leaves

A brown sack

The brown sack contains:

A lunch

A clove of garlic

A glass bottle

The glass bottle contains:

A quantity of water

>put all in case

hand-held air pump: Done.

crystal trident: Done.

nasty knife: Done.

brass lantern: Done.

>take lamp and garlic

brass lantern: Taken.

clove of garlic: Taken.




The Troll Room


East-West Passage


Round Room


Narrow Passage


Mirror Room

>touch mirror

There is a rumble from deep within the earth and the room shakes.


Cold Passage


Slide Room

There is a bloody axe here.

>take axe



Mine Entrance

You are standing at the entrance of what might have been a coal mine.

The shaft enters the west wall, and there is another exit on the south end of the room.


Squeaky Room

You are in a small room. Strange squeaky sounds may be heard coming from the passage at the north end. You may also escape to the east.


Bat Room

You are in a small room which has doors only to the east and south.

In the corner of the room on the ceiling is a large vampire bat who is obviously deranged and holding his nose.

There is an exquisite jade figurine here.


Shaft Room

This is a large room, in the middle of which is a small shaft

descending through the floor into darkness below. To the west and the north are exits from this room. Constructed over the top of the shaft is a metal framework to which a heavy iron chain is attached.

At the end of the chain is a basket.


Smelly Room

This is a small non-descript room. However, from the direction of a small descending staircase a foul odor can be detected. To the south is a narrow tunnel.


Gas Room

This is a small room which smells strongly of coal gas. There is a

short climb up some stairs and a narrow tunnel leading east.

There is a sapphire-encrusted bracelet here.


Coal Mine

This is a non-descript part of a coal mine.


Coal Mine

This is a non-descript part of a coal mine.


Coal Mine

This is a non-descript part of a coal mine.


Coal Mine

This is a non-descript part of a coal mine.


Ladder Top

This is a very small room. In the corner is a rickety wooden ladder, leading downward. It might be safe to descend. There is also a

staircase leading upward.


Ladder Bottom

This is a rather wide room. On one side is the bottom of a narrow

wooden ladder. To the west and the south are passages leaving the room.


Dead End

You have come to a dead end in the mine.

There is a small pile of coal here.

>take coal



Ladder Bottom


Ladder Top


Coal Mine


Coal Mine


Coal Mine


Coal Mine


Gas Room

There is a sapphire-encrusted bracelet here.

>take bracelet



Smelly Room


Shaft Room

At the end of the chain is a basket.

>put coal in basket



Bat Room

In the corner of the room on the ceiling is a large vampire bat who is obviously deranged and holding his nose.

There is an exquisite jade figurine here.

>take figurine



Squeaky Room


Mine Entrance


Slide Room




Living Room

Your collection of treasures consists of:

A nasty knife

A crystal trident

A hand-held air pump

A painting

A ZORK owner's manual

A jewel-encrusted egg

A black book

A sword

A leaflet

A pile of leaves

A brown sack

The brown sack contains:

A lunch

A glass bottle

The glass bottle contains:

A quantity of water

>put all in case

jade figurine: Done.

sapphire-encrusted bracelet: Done.

bloody axe: Done.

clove of garlic: Done.

brass lantern: Done.

>take lamp and pump

brass lantern: Taken.

hand-held air pump: Taken.